หัวข้อ : Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar
Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar
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30 과: 어떤 영화였어요?
가... 주말 잘 지냈어요?
나... 네, 시골에서 사는 친구가 와서 함께 여기저기 구경을 다녔어요. 윌슨 씨는요?
가... 그저 그랬어요. 어제는 심심해서 숙제를 끝내고 영화를 보러 갔어요.
나... 어떤 영화였어요?
가... 만화 영화였는데, 재미있었어요. 영숙 씨는 영화 안 좋아해요?
나... 아뇨, 나도 아주 좋아해요. 다음에는 나도 같이 가요.
지내다 = to spend time
시골 = countryside
여기저기 = here and there
그저 그렇다 = to be so-so
심심하다 = to be bored
끝내다 = to finish something
어떤 = what kind
만화 = comics
슬프다 = to be sad
타이타닉 = Titanic
만화 영화 = animation
Unit 30. What kind of movie was it?
A... Did you have a good weekend?
B... Yes, I went sightseeing with my friend from the country. What about you?
A...It was so-so. Yesterday I was bored, so after finishing my homework I went to see a movie.
B... What kind of movie was it?
A... It was an animation movie, and it was interesting. Dont you like movies?
B... Yes, I like them very much too. I will go with you next time.
Grammars and expressions:
1. V-(으)러 가다/오다 : to go/come to V
친구를 만나러 왔어요.
I came to meet a friend.
달러를 바꿀러 은행에 갈까요?
Shall we go bank to exchange dollars?
한국말을 배우러 학교에 다녀요.
I go to school to learn Korean.
2. 어떤 N : what kind of N
어떤 책을 읽어요?
What kind of book are you reading?
어떤 사람을 좋아해요?
What kind of people do you like?
3. N-이었다/였다 : N + past tense
선물이 꽃이었어요.
The gift was a bunch of flowers.
1 달러에 얼마였어요?
How much was a dollar?
4. 안 A/V : not A/V
수업 안 끝났어요?
- 네, 안 끝났어요.
Isn't the class over?
-Yes, it's not.
아침 안 먹였어요?
- 아니오, 먹였어요.
Don't you eat breakfirst?
- Yes, I did.
5. 지내다 : to spend time
주말을 친구와 함께 지냈어요.
I spent the weekend with my friend.
요즈음 어떻게 지내요?
- 잘 지내고 있어요.
How are you doing these days?
- I am doing well.
6. N은/는요? : What about N?
저는 못 가요. 윌슨은요?
I can't go. What about you (Wilson)?
철수는 왔어요. 영숙이는요?
Chulsoo has arrived. What about Youngsook?
7. 여기저기 :here and there/ around
책을 사러 여기저기 다녔어요.
I went around to buy a book.
8. 그저 그래요/그랬어요 : to be so-so
불고기가 맛있어요?
- 그저 그래요.
Is the beef delicious?
- It is so-so.
9. 다음에(는) : next time.
다음에는 나도 같이 갈가요.
Next time, I will go too.
-(으)러 after a verb stem denotes the purpose of the verb. It is often used with either 가다 or 오다.
E.g 먹으러 가다 : to go to eat
นั่นคือบทความ Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar
นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.
คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv1 U30 What kind of movie was it?| V-(으)러 가다, 어떤 N, N-은/는요? grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikoreatext.blogspot.com/2015/12/lv1-u30-what-kind-of-movie-was-it-v-n-n.html
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