หัวข้อ : Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar
Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar
Listening:Press PLAY button to start listening.
17 과: 가족이 몇 명이세요?
가... 가족이 몇 명이세요?
나... 우리 가족은 모두 넷이에요. 아버지와 어미니가 계시고, 형이 하나 있습니다.
가... 형님이 무엇을 하세요?
나... 형은 회사에 다녀요.
가... 철수 씨는 대학생이지요? 어느 대학에 다니세요?
나... 서울대학교에 다녀요.
계시고 = 있다 +시 +고
가족 = family
부모님 = Parents
형 = the older brother of a male
오빠 = the older brother of a female
누나 = the older sister of a male
언니 = the older sister of a female
동생 = younger sibling
남동생 = younger brother
여동생 = younger sister
형제 = sibling
회사 = business
회사원 = businessman
은행 = bank
은행원 = banker
고등학교 = high school
고등학생 = a high school student
-에 다니다 = to attend
어느 = which
사진 = photograph
Unit 17. How many people are there in your family?
A... How many people are there in your family?
B... My family has 4 in total. There are father and mother, and 1 older bother.
A... What does your brother do?
B... He works for a company?
A... You're a college student, aren't you? Which university are you attending?
B... I study in Seoul National University.
Grammars and expressions:
1. N-이에요/예요? : Are you ? /Is he?
저분이 누구세요?
- 제 친구예요.
Who is that person?
- He is my friend.
가족들이 몇 명이에요?
- 모두 여섯이에요.
How many people are there in your family?
- There are total 5 people.
*N이/가 아니에요. : It is not N
여기는 2층이 아니에요, 3층이에요.
This is not the 2nd flood, it is 3rd floor.
*N-(이)세요? : Are you?/Is he (honorific form)
저 분이 어머니세요?
- 네, 우리 어머니세요.
Is that your mother?
- Yes, she is.
2. N이/가 -(명)이다. : There be (people) N.
교실에서 학생들이 모두 12 (열두)명이에요.
In the class, there are total 12 students.
3. N이/가 있다/없다 : to have / not have N
여기는 가족 사진이 있어요.
Here's my family photo.
형이 하나 있어요.
I have one older brother.
4. N-(이)지요? : aren't you?/ isn't it?
지금 9시지요?
- 네, 9시예요.
It's 9:00 now, isn't it?
- Yes , it is.
5. 우리 N : our/my N
E.g 우리 집 / 우리 가족 / 우리 친구
6. N-님 : N+ honorific ending.
선생 ㅡㅡ 선생님 : teacher
부모 ㅡㅡ 부모님 : parents
아버지 ㅡㅡ 아버님 : father
어머니 ㅡㅡ 어머님 : mother
형 ㅡㅡ 형님 : older brother
7. 분 : person (honorific form of 명)
저분이 박 선생님이지요?
That person is teacher Park, right?
아주머니 세 분이 모두 오섰어요.
All 3 of the women came.
8. N에 다니다 : to attend/ to go to N (frequently)
저는 학교에 다닙니다.
I attend the school.
우리 형이 회사에 다녀요.
My older brother works for company.
1. 분 is honorific form of 명.
E.g In restaurant, waiter asks "멏 분이세요?", and customer answers "네 명이에요."
2. -(이)세요 ending is politer than -(이)에요.
3. -(이)지요 is a "polite informal speech" ending.
4. Korean means 우리가족 as my family. The same as 우리나라 (my country).
5. -님 adds respect to the title.
นั่นคือบทความ Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar
นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.
คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv1 U17 How many people are there in your family? | N-이에요/예요, N-(이)지요 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikoreatext.blogspot.com/2015/11/lv1-u17-how-many-people-are-there-in.html
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